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Hi, I'm trying to use filters on objects to fetch Firewall Policies. For example: I want to filter policies using dstaddr object. URL https://localhost/api/v2/...ot&format=policyid|dstaddr&filter=dstaddr=@{name:}Method: GET Thanks
Hi, While updating Firewall Policy via REST Api's PUT method, i'm getting http 405 error. Can someone post sample on updating policy? PUT https://fgip/api/v2/cmdb/...l/policy/76/?vdom=rootBody:{ "name": "test76", "srcintf": [{ "name": "MGMT" }], "dst...
hi, How to filter firewall policies with the particular srcintf/dstintf using REST API? Below is sample url: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/api/v...ot&format=policyid|srcintf|dstintf|srcaddr|dstaddr|service&filter=srcaddr { "policyid": 40, "q_origin_key": "40",...